Silicon Software develops with its marathon frame grabbers a product series of performance image acquisition and image processing boards for the most important digital interfaces in Machine Vision. marathon frame grabbers are characterized by its wide range of operation in major industries and applications, moreover offer one of the most attractive price-/performance ratio.
Intelligent image acquisition and programmable image processing frame grabber Silicon Software data transfer technology DMA1800 with 1.800 MBs data bandwidth Image acquisition memory from 512 to 2048 MByte DDR3-RAM PCI Express x4 (Gen2) Technology Signal communication and programming of on-board and front trigger Power supply of cameras by power-over technology (except CLHS) Device driver support for Windows and Linux for 32bit and 64bit
JIIA CXPR-001-2011 Electrical Compliance Test Specification for JIIA CoaXPress Standard (2011-10-28)
Test report No. CXP-ECTR-2016120507 Date 2016.12.5
JIIA CXPR-002-2011 Interoperability Compliance Test Specification (Interoperability CTS) for JIIA CoaXPress Standard ver 0.3 (2011-10-20)
Test report No. CXP-IOTR-2016101401 Date 2016.10.14